Savvy Inspector®
Scratch and dig inspector

Savvy Inspector® SIF-4E
Manual, software assisted inspection
The Savvy Inspector® SIF-4E is a software assisted scratch and dig system.
- For flat optical surfaces
- 1.4 megapixel camera for higher special resolution to perform precise measurements and grading on very small features
- Manual X, Y slide stage

Savvy Inspector® SIF-4M
Motorized inspection
The Savvy Inspector® SIF-4M is the motorized version of the Savvy Inspector® SIF-4.
- For flat optical surfaces up to 100 mm
- Joystick controlled motorized X, Y and Z stages make measurements fast and efficient for high volume parts as well as large, precise parts

Savvy Inspector® SIF-8M
Motorized inspection for larger samples
DThe Savvy Inspector® SIL-8M is a 200 mm motorized version of the popular Savvy Inspector® SIL-4.
- For larger flat optical surfaces of up to 200 mm
- Joystick controlled motorized X, Y and Z stages make measurements fast and efficient for high volume parts as well as large, precise parts

Savvy Inspector® SIL-4
Semi-motorized inspection for curved surfaces
The Savvy Inspector® SIL-4 allows scratch and dig measurement for curved surfaces.
- For plano or concave/convex surfaces with less than 15° of surface slope
- 1.4 megapixel camera for higher special resolution to perform precise measurements and grading on very small features
- Manual X, Y slide stage, manual tip and tilt stage and motorized 70 mm Z-stage
Savvy Inspector® Software
The Savvy Inspector® operator interface is designed for easy factory-floor operation, while expanding its application in the role of “Master Inspector” for QA, QC and MRB decisions. The operator enters the inspection level required, and then uses the manual x-y stage or the joystick to locate the desired defect on the real-time viewing screen. In motorizied systems the “autoscan” feature creates indexed image files for the entire surface, documenting the condition of the optic and allowing the operator to identify regions on the part which require further review. The coordinates can be entered and the system returns to the desired location with the push of a button.
The software reports the scratch grade or dig value automatically. Scratch lengths are measured with the click of the mouse. The “always on” inspection mode and programmable grade bars allow the operator to get real-time feedback on whether a selected imperfection is acceptable or not with a simple visual interface.
For careful review and documentation of a lens surface, Savvy Inspector® software offers data management tools. These allow the proper capture and archiving of screenshots as well as the grade for each error on a surface. Additionally, a summary log in CSV format or an inspection report is generated.
Accumulation rules can be applied using the SavvyAccumulator™ spreadsheet. Custom calibration files can be created for specific project or customer needs by the Quality Engineer as needed. The calibration data can then be saved and accessed from the inspection mode.

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